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New Baby (7)

Did one of your friends or family just give birth? Send a New Baby ecard right now.

New Baby - "Aunt Gloria"
Views: 7060
Aunt Gloria welcomes her relative wiith her new baby to the house. Love and affection follow.
New Baby - "Marta Stewartski"
Views: 6931
Marta, an internationally famous know-it-all, gives tips on how to take care of that new family member.
New Baby - "Louise the Angel"
Views: 4303
Louise the Valley Girl Angel serves up light being guides to a new baby.
New Baby - "McDoodle and Son"
Views: 6651
The Great Scotland Yard Detective and his dim, very dim son go over the clues for the arrival of a new baby.
New Baby - "Guptah"
Views: 5270
Our Quickmart sage honors the birth of a new baby with holy salutations.
New Baby - "Angel Moon McFadden"
Views: 5942
The exuberant Scottish angel can't wait for the delivery of the new baby.
New Baby - "Sweet Chicken"
Views: 4204
A more heartfelt card-toon. New babies fly in on balloons, ready for their new parents.
 New Baby

Oh, Boy, a Baby

New Baby ecards: There is nothing like a new baby: Helpless, beautiful, and full of the hopes that we have for the future. So to ignore someone who has just had a baby might just be a crime. Here's what you can do for you. Pick up your mouse (or flap your finger over your keypad) and send a Rubber Chicken New Baby ecard to a friend or family member who has just popped the cork (so to speak). The Chief Chicken is particularly fond of this category, because his daughter has just had a baby. So a new baby in the family is always cause for deep and lasting celebration! Yipee!

A Gift


Okay, after you send your ecard you will probably want to send a gift. Whoa! We have one of the greatest gift shops in the world. You can go to www.cafepress.com/rccards and buy a Stinky Dog bib or other RC Card fantastic shizzle. And for the mother of the new born, what better than a Furball Frannie thong, because the first thought that every new mother has is, of course, "When do I get to have sex again so that I can have many more children?"

Life Actually Does Change

No kidding. Life changes when you have a baby. The idiots at Rubber Chicken Cards were recently speaking to a mother who was feeling a bit ill. The mother was full time with a 9 month old and literally could not take a break. Though she was not happy about not being able to take a break, she sure was happy about having her baby.

Unwanted vs. Wanted

You can be pretty darn sure that the men and women who are having babies and will get a Rubber Chicken Card in their inbox are in the we want a baby category. Therefore you can send any and all of our funny, upbeat and happy New Baby ecards to them. In fact they will appreciate it so much that will let you baby sit.

Last Word

We love babies and like to play with them. We especially like the first time they eat liver.

sign up for a free trial account here, to send unlimited free eCards for 10 days!