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Happy Hour (18)

Two drunk dogs

Birthday - "Happy Hour"
Views: 7330
In this birthday eCard, it's Happy Hour, and two canine barflies of the first order tip back giant cold ones and chit chat about birthdays.
Valentines Day (Belated) - "Happy Hour"
Views: 8833
The canine barflies chat about being late for Valentines Day.
This is a pure funny joke ecard that will cheer your friend up starring the Happy Hour Dogs.
Views: 4787
The Happy Hour dogs are slurpin' their spiked chicken soup and complaining and laughing about their ill health.
The Happy Hour Dogs star in this virtual Easter ecard
Views: 7816
Our two canines, aided by too much jelly-bean malt liquor, rail at the commerciality of Easter.
Birthday Sober - "Happy Hour"
Views: 4369
Turns out that the Happy Hour dogs have not been drunk all these years, they have been sober! Is that your final answer?
Oktoberfest - "Happy Hour"
Views: 4981
The inebriated canines toss down a few Oktoberfest brews and laugh a whole lot.
Father's Day - "Happy Hour"
Views: 5065
Two barflies, make that bardogs, slurp up a cold one and talk about their fathers.
This funny Labor Day ecard stars the "Happy Hour" dogs.
Views: 8398
Our Bar Hopping Hounds wish everyone a Happy Labor Day.
Sweetest Day - "Happy Hour"
Views: 4562
Hangin' round the bar, the Happy Hour Dogs get sappy and happy about Sweetest Day.
The barfly dogs tell the worst jokes in the World in this funny April Fools Day e card.
Views: 8106
The inebriated canines fake each other out on April Fool's Day.
Chinese New Year - "Happy Hour"
Views: 4988
The happy hour dogs find Chinese New Year pretty darn hysterical.
St. Patrick's Day - "Happy Hour"
Views: 5039
The happy hour dogs go over the story of St. Patrick and howl with laughter.
Invitation - "Happy Hour"
Views: 6841
The two tipsy dogs pound the table and guffaw about being invited to a party.
President's Day - "Happy Hour"
Views: 6739
The dogs at the bar are elated at the prospect of toasting all of our presidents.
This Belated Birthday ecard features the drunk Happy Hour dogs.
Views: 8130
In this birthday eCard, the dogs at the bar whoop it up over missing the birthday of their good friend.
Valentine's Day #2 - "Happy Hour"
Views: 6465
Our two canine bar flies chat about being in love.
This whimsical summer virtual ecard stars the Happy Hour dogs.
Views: 8878
The Happy Hour Dogs celebrate the summer with the worst jokes in the world.
The "Happy Hour" dogs star in this virtual spring e card
Views: 8797
It's Spring and the Happy Hour drunk dogs are at the bar celebrating.