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Birthday for Adults (12)

Birthday (mother-to-daughter) - Louise the Angel
Views: 6979
In this birthday eCard, Louise the Valley Girl Angel has some words from your mother and the other angels about your birthday.
Try this dry humored Birthday ecard starring the idiot professors.
Views: 8723
The erudite Professors discuss whether attitude is important in a long life.
Birthday (60th) - "Louise the Angel"
Views: 5400
Louise, the correspondence angel, honors you on your 60th birthday.
Kimmie the Juice Girl stars in this 21st Birthday ecard
Views: 6193
It is Kimmi's best friend's 21st and Kimmi is really excited about it.
This Best wishes 30th Birthday ecard stars "Juicy Juice"
Views: 4529
Kimmi the Juice girl celebrates the 30th Birthday with this Birthday ecard.
Animated 60th Birthday card stars "Flight Attendant"
Views: 4534
The Flight Attendant, Jenny Sue, gives a rousing Happy 60th snack party to a passenger on the plane.
In this digital Birthday Ecard, Beez (the devil) tries to figure out a sweet way to mark the passage of time.
Views: 6609
BeezleBob, the devil, is sitting around with his buddies trying to think of the best way to celebrate big events in life, like Brithdays.
Kimmie the Juice girl stars in this funny online Birthday ecard
Views: 7223
In this birthday eCard, Kimmi, the Juice Bar girl, serves up wild fruity drinks and a dose of enthusiasm on her friend's birthday.
Birthday - "Angel Moon McFadden"
Views: 5361
In this birthday eCard, our Scottish Angel, Moon McFadden, has a fresh idea on how to celebrate a birthday.
Birthday - "Autopsy"
Views: 7439
In this birthday eCard, Tom and Millie are about to do an autopsy when Millie interrupts with a Birthday Cake for Tom's birthday.
Check out our SweetChicken Ecard
Views: 7548
In this birthday eCard, desserts appear and disappear, honoring the sweetness of the upcoming year.
Send this Entertainment World Birthday ecard featuring the audition
Views: 6866
A young actor tries his best during an audition to come up with the perfect Happy Birthday reading.

Do you Like Your Birthday Cards a bit Spicier?

Of course you do. You have a sense of humor and so does your friend. So why not go out on a limb and have some real fun.