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Vote (6)

Vote - "Juicy Juice"
Views: 7497
Kimmi the Juice Girl is voting for the first time. She wants you to vote with her. Here's a link to non-partisan vote site: www.vote.org
Presidential Elections - "Dah Sport"
Views: 7163
Dah Sport, the greatest and most stupid athelete in the world, is running for President with no platform and no policies.
Vote - "God"
Views: 8244
God, yep, that God, strongly, like really strongly, suggests that we vote in this election.
Register to Vote- "Marlene and Dave"
Views: 5752
Marlene and Dave invite people to do the most important thing they can do: vote!
Vote - "The Muse"
Views: 6541
The Cuban Muse feels you really, really need your Muse on Election Day because your vote means that you still have some optimism left. The end of this card suggests a website for all non-partisan voting informaiton.
Vote - "Jersey"
Views: 4436
It turns out that Vinnie did not vote and Sofie is not happy with him. Vinnie's explanation is priceless.