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Aw Girl (4)

Our sweet lady of the flowers sents real sweetness to people in need. These sweet card-toons are voiced by Kristin Rotblatt, Broadway actress.

Christmas - "Aw Girl"
Views: 4516
The "Aw Girl" regrets that we can't be with our families this year.
Send this sweet online ecard starring the "Aw" girl
Views: 7438
In this thank you ecard, the cutest person in the world says "Thank You" in a field of flowers and flying animals.
Valentine's Day (missing you) - "Aw Girl"
Views: 6916
The cutest woman in the world is missing her Valentine.
In this get well soon animation, the sweetest nurse that says "Aw" a whole bunch, gives expresses some heartfelt love.
Views: 5141
The Aw Girl stars in the cutest dern get well card ever.