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Master Liu (6)

The Chinese Sage speaks

Our animated Birthday wishes card stars "Master Liu"
Views: 8334
The great Asian Master Liu gives his pithy thoughts on a birthday
Happy Holidays - "Master Liu"
Views: 5170
The great Chinese sage, Master Liu, would have something dynamic to say about the holidays, if he could remember.
Valentine's Day - "Master Liu"
Views: 5471
The great Chinese Sage, Master Liu, offers tea and wisdom on this Valentine's Day.
Try our Zen Fathers Day card with Master Liu
Views: 6703
Zen Master Liu gives his Father's Day wisdom from on high.
Sweetest Day - "Master Liu"
Views: 7474
master Liu, on Sweetest Day, suggests a spiritual pose and a tea that increases love.
"Master Liu" stars in this online Mothers Day card
Views: 4422
The great Chinese Master shares a special tea with us on Mother's Day.