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Julia Child (7)

The great chef cooks with wine

Call Me - "Julia Child"
Views: 7172
Julia suggests you give a friend a call and cook a roast together.
Health and Diet - "Julia Child"
Views: 6439
Julia gives everyone a note excusing them from eating a healthy diet. With Julia you can eat anything.
Christmas - "Julia Child"
Views: 8999
Our honorable chef serves up a frothy dessert and a racy religious tradition.
Birthday - "Julia Child"
Views: 6862
Our famous gourmet whips up a happy eCard birthday treat.
In this Get Well soon e card chef Julia Child whips up a soothing feast.
Views: 8502
A famous French Chef whips up a Get Well meal. This is one of our favorite get well ecards.
Valentine's Day - "Julie Child"
Views: 6720
Our Julia spoof that lubricates this holiday eating event with lots of wine.
Purim - "Julia Child"
Views: 6577
The great chef, Julia, using the whole Megilla of ingredients, whips up a sweet Purim meal.