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Register to Vote (5)

Send a funny Register to Vote ecards from Rubber Chicken Cards

Vote - "Juicy Juice"
Views: 6739
Kimmi the Juice Girl is voting for the first time. She wants you to vote with her. Here's a link to non-partisan vote site: www.vote.org
Vote - "God"
Views: 6451
God, yep, that God, strongly, like really strongly, suggests that we vote in this election.
Register to Vote - "Cowboy Bob"
Views: 4317
The singin' cowboy and his spittin' horse make it easy to register to vote. This website appears at the end of the card: https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote
Register to Vote - "Bats Inna Belfry"
Views: 5870
The two wiseguy bats, one a voter and the other not, go a few verbal rounds over whether you should vote in elections or not.
Register to Vote - "Roadshow"
Views: 8835
Dale Vacwit brings a truckload of ancient Florida voters' ballots into the Roadshow only to discover that they may land him in jail.